- 26 unabhängige Plattenläden
- 42 Portraits der Besitzer und Betreiber – 42 Geschichten einer unabhängigen Musikkultur in Hamburg
- 26 Plattencover, die von den Läden selbst und von Kunststudenten aus Hamburg gestaltet wurden
- Eine Auswahl von 625 Platten, kommentiert von den Plattenladenbesitzern
I think the reason why you
have so many record stores
in Hamburg is because they are
so specialized.

With iTunes and the MP3 downloads,
the cover art work is totally
going down. I am so thankful for
every cover that I can do on a 12
x 12 inch record. I see the record
covers as a series, like a series of
drawings. Or books. It’s the same.
I see record covers like editions.

Hamburg is perhaps the only
town in Germany that can
make a shop only about his
own music scene.